Window dressing tip – Timeless Finial

This great find promises to tick a lot of boxes and solve a bunch of decorating problems for ones window worries. Primarily I’m filing it as a perfect detail for window treatments in traditional room schemes that require a gentle update / de-clutter / simplification. #lessismore vibe. But it’s also a kick ass bad boy for Gentlemans study’s, library’s, smoking rooms and any windows requiring a masculine treatment. Then again, being a shorter than average finial, it’s going to be a useful end stud for tight spaces. And, last but not least it’s the perfect finial in rooms where one or more curtain poles necessitate one end of a pole being fixed into a returning wall, via an end socket bracket, and therefore requiring only one finial. The simplicity of this design will allow the off balance of such treatments to become almost unnoticeable. ✔️✔️✔️✔️ .#contemporarywindowtreatments #traditionalwindowtreatments #masculinewindowtreatments #gorgeouswindowtreatments @mckinneyandco #godisinthedetail